Monday, February 28, 2011

new trend - sju sorters kakor

the famous swedish "sju sorters kakor" is now a big baking trend according to an article i read earlier today. but not only in sweden and scandinavia... they are also working on publishing a book about these delicious small cookies here in the states. 

keep your eyes open for the baking book about "seven kinds of cookies" and if you want to try baking on of these trendy cookies right now look at my recipe about "hallongrottor" ( that´s just one out of hundreds "sju sorters kakor" recipes out there. 

i think i need to bake more of these trendy cookies this week, so keep your eyes open!


  1. Hej! Jag bakar massa småkakor och de flesta amerikaner älskar dem. Lite nyfiken på vilken artikel du syftar på. Kan du skicka en länk, eller var det den gamla från DN du menar?

    Mvh Elin

  2. "New trend" Jag går över ditt inlägg av en slump. Det är mycket användbart. Tack.bilverkstad stockholm
